HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next:需求 PageA、PageB、PageC页面跳转逻辑 PageA pushUrl 到 PageB,PageB pushUrl 到 PageC,PageC中点击上传按钮直接 replaceUrl 到 PageA,希望回到PageA时

发布于 1周前 作者 eggper 来自 鸿蒙OS

HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next:需求 PageA、PageB、PageC页面跳转逻辑
PageA pushUrl 到 PageB,PageB pushUrl 到 PageC,PageC中点击上传按钮直接 replaceUrl 到 PageA,希望回到PageA时

需求 PageA、 PageB、 PageC为3个页面  PageA —》pushUrl 到PageB —》pushUrl 到 PageC  PageC中点击上传按钮直接 replaceUrl到 PageA  我希望回到PageA时,点击头部返回按钮可以正常返回出去; 而不是返回到PageB; 该如何处理,点击上传按钮时,将PageB也能从路由栈里面直接清除掉

2 回复



struct NavigationExample {
  pageInfos: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack();
  build() {
    Navigation(this.pageInfos) {
      Column({ space: 12 }) {
        Button($r('app.string.entry_pageA'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            //Push the NavDestination page information specified by name onto the stack, and pass the data as param.
            this.pageInfos.pushPathByName('pageA', null);
        bottom: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        left: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        right: $r('app.string.column_padding')




import Logger from '../common/utils/Logger';
export function PageOneBuilder(name: string, param: Object) {
const COLUMN_SPACE: number = 12;
export struct PageOne {
  pageInfos: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack();
  build() {
    NavDestination() {
      Column({ space: COLUMN_SPACE }) {
        Button($r('app.string.entry_index'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
        Button($r('app.string.entry_pageB'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.pushPathByName('pageB', null);
        bottom: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        left: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        right: $r('app.string.column_padding')
    .onReady((context: NavDestinationContext) => {
      this.pageInfos = context.pathStack;
      Logger.info(""current page config info is "" + JSON.stringify(context.getConfigInRouteMap()));




import Logger from '../common/utils/Logger';
export function PageTwoBuilder(name: string, param: Object) {
const COLUMN_SPACE: number = 12;
export struct PageTwo {
  pageInfos: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack();
  build() {
    NavDestination() {
      Column({ space: COLUMN_SPACE }) {
        Button($r('app.string.entry_index'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.clear(); ///清除栈中所有页面
        Button($r('app.string.entry_pageC'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.pushPathByName('pageC', null);
        bottom: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        left: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        right: $r('app.string.column_padding')
    .onReady((context: NavDestinationContext) => {
      this.pageInfos = context.pathStack
      Logger.info('current page config info is ' + JSON.stringify(context.getConfigInRouteMap()));




import Logger from '../common/utils/Logger';
export function PageThreeBuilder(name: string, param: Object) {
const COLUMN_SPACE: number = 12;
export struct PageThree {
  pageInfos: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack();
  build() {
    NavDestination() {
      Column({ space: COLUMN_SPACE }) {
        Button($r('app.string.entry_index'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.clear(); //Clear all pages in the stack
        Button($r('app.string.entry_pageA'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.popToName('pageA', null);//回退路由栈到由栈底开始第一个名为name的NavDestination页面
        Button($r('app.string.entry_pageB'), { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.pushPathByName('pageB', null);
        bottom: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        left: $r('app.string.column_padding'),
        right: $r('app.string.column_padding')
    .onReady((context: NavDestinationContext) => {
      this.pageInfos = context.pathStack
      Logger.info('current page config info is ' + JSON.stringify(context.getConfigInRouteMap()));



  1. PageA到PageB的跳转

    • 在PageA中使用pushUrl方法,并传入PageB的URI或路由信息,实现页面跳转。
  2. PageB到PageC的跳转

    • 类似地,在PageB中也使用pushUrl方法,传入PageC的URI或路由信息,完成页面跳转。
  3. PageC到PageA的回退

    • 在PageC中点击上传按钮后,使用replaceUrl方法,并传入PageA的URI或路由信息。replaceUrl会替换当前页面栈中的页面,使得页面栈中只剩下到PageA的路径,从而实现回到PageA时不会保留PageB和PageC的历史记录。


