Golang Go语言 Robotgo v0.90.0 发布了,跨平台 GUI 自动化。大幅度更新,更并发和现代的 hook API 和多屏支持等
Golang Go语言 Robotgo v0.90.0 发布了,跨平台 GUI 自动化。大幅度更新,更并发和现代的 hook API 和多屏支持等
Robotgo v0.90.0 发布了,Golang 跨平台控制鼠标、键盘、位图、屏幕、窗口句柄以及全局事件监听。
该版本主要增加: 更现代和并发的 gohook API, 尝试多屏支持, 更新 keycode 无需 type 转换, 支持 windows non-POSIX gcc;
Linux 下 TypeStr 优化并修复 bug, 增加 ToBitmapBytes() 和多平台 system scale 支持, 导出并增加更多 keycode 支持, 更多 win32 方法导出等一些列的大更新.
增加更多示例、测试代码, 支持 Linux 测试和 Github Actions, 修复 bug 等.
项目地址: https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo
MT. Rainier
add gohook modern and concurrent API, add new gohook examples, thks for cauefcr
Support for multiple screens, add getMousePos() multiple screens support, add move smooth multiple screens support
add all platform system scale support, add get screen size test code
add screen and bitmap multiple screens support, add int32_t types support
update keycode type use uint16 with gohook, not type convert; add ToBitmapBytes func (#204)
gohook: sched_yield support for non-POSIX windows gcc
add gops test code support, add Process() function test code, add more gops test code
add more win32 function export
add get mouse color function
add uint32 to Chex function support
add key_Toggles() c function, add keyTap and keyToggle "...string" parameters support, Fixed #209
add robotgo simple test code
add Is64Bit() c and go function
add process FindPath() function
add keycode "delete" support and fixed "" error add more keycode support, "up, down, left, right"...
export hook keycode and add godoc
use robotn fork xgb and update go mod
add hook example to robotgo examples
update gohook and tt mod file
add more and update test code
add drag smooth function support and examples
add ShowAlert() test support
update keypress rand sleep [reduce] and update code style, update c delay default value to 0
add mouse toggle return and add more test
add SetDelay function code and update other code
add scaled function code
add go opencv file
add readme.md file
add move mouse and move smooth relative code
add move mouse and move smooth relative examples
add more test code and update go tt mod
add more bitmap test code
add SaveImg function code
add drop function hint print support
add more key test code, add more test code, add paste string test code, add xvfb run codecov test
add keycode test support
add FindPath example code
add KeyTap() args[2] delay support
add find bitmap nil args support
add find color nil args support
add drag and move mouse multiple screens support
add drag mouse test code
Use CGDisplayBounds not CGDisplayPixelsWide, optimize get mac display size …
Update TypeStr function, add type delay and speed support
update PasteStr function code return error
Update robot info test code and Add go.yml test support
use while not for match special key map remove unless x11 special key and sort
update go mod pkg update mod vendor remove vendor and update .gitignore
update and fmt config.yml, add Linux go test support update Linux CI support x11 test
move hook to hook.go
update appveyor and test code update version and code style
update move mouse smooth test code
update clipboard code and add test code
update test code and add codecov support
update show alert test code
update keycode.go
update window examples code
update test code remove windows alert test
move gops code to ps.go
update version
update unix get title type
gofmt go code and update code style
add ToBitmapBytes examples code
update example code, fixed golint warning
update bitmap example code
update code style
update godoc
update keytap code and code style
update Bitmap struct delete fuzzy api
update key examples code
add bitmap from string clear api
update go mod vendor update go mod pkg not proxy
update bitmap example code
update test code fixed appveyor CI
update test code fixed equal error
update hook godoc
update event example code
update godoc and code style
update key example code
Update example README.md
update and tidy go mod
update code remove duplicate code and update godoc
update xgb getXid log
update GetBounds x11 error log
update cgo code and version
update TypeString function code [Drop]
update key example code
Update TypeStr function, optimize x11 type string
Update TypeStrDelay function, remove unused code
update code fixed x11 type sleep
Update key example code
use gops to simplify code update key examples code
update bitmap examples code
update colorpicker and findcolor example code
update bitmap example code
update robotgo test code, add more test
Update README.md
rename type names make clearer
update types.h code and fixed bug
remove unused code fixed x11 build error
update robot info test code and appveyor
Update README.md, Add more CI badge
update gohook pkg and robot info test code
Update linux upper code, add more special key support
Create go.yml Update go.yml add more test and update go.yml Update dockerfile to go1.13.5
update dockerfile and appveyor.yml Update dockerfile and appveyor.yml to go1.14.3
remove Travis go1.11.x update appveyor and dockerfile to go1.13.1 update dockerfile, go.yml and appveyor.yml to go1.14
update travis.yml to go1.14.x and remove go1.13.x Update and fmt appveyor.ymlu update dockerfile and appveyor to go1.12.5
update appveyor and dockerfile to go1.12.6
add CI go1.13 support update config.yml update and fmt travis.yml Update Travis remove go1.12.x
Update issue and pull request template
Update to utf-code function Fixed #189
Update x11 keypress upper code Fixed #243
type conversion needed in addMouse (#201)
update hook, Fixed #202 fatal error: concurrent map writes
add key Kind Fixed #203
optimize get title code, Fixed #165 and typo
Fixed gohook#3 mouse is_drag error on x11
Fixed #213 AddEvents() can't listen correctly multiple times
update clipboard error hand Fixed #212
Update go.mod fixing issue "invalid pseudo-version: does not match version …
update keyboard example code, #238
update go mod file Fixed #239
update gops and other mod files fixed bug
更多关于Golang Go语言 Robotgo v0.90.0 发布了,跨平台 GUI 自动化。大幅度更新,更并发和现代的 hook API 和多屏支持等的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-94-b0.html
更多关于Golang Go语言 Robotgo v0.90.0 发布了,跨平台 GUI 自动化。大幅度更新,更并发和现代的 hook API 和多屏支持等的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-94-b0.html
这个力度不错, 可以不用 autoit 了
这个能实现取某个 macOS 的应用上的 UI 元素的文本么
可以控制窗口和标题等, 还不能去取每个 UI 元素文本; 这个功能在计划之中, 欢迎贡献代码
针对您提到的Golang领域的Robotgo v0.90.0版本发布,这一更新确实标志着跨平台GUI自动化方面的重大进步。以下是对此更新的专业解读:
Robotgo v0.90.0版本为Golang开发者带来了众多改进和新增功能。其中,更现代和并发的hook API是一大亮点,它显著提升了自动化脚本的执行效率和稳定性。此外,该版本还尝试支持多屏操作,这对于在多显示器环境下工作的用户来说无疑是个好消息。
除了上述更新,Robotgo v0.90.0还优化了键盘输入的keycode处理,无需类型转换即可使用,这简化了开发流程。同时,它增强了Linux下的TypeStr功能并修复了相关bug,还增加了对Windows non-POSIX gcc的支持,进一步拓宽了适用范围。
总之,Robotgo v0.90.0版本的发布为Golang跨平台GUI自动化领域注入了新的活力。它不仅提升了自动化脚本的性能和稳定性,还通过支持多屏操作和增强跨平台兼容性等功能,为开发者提供了更加便捷和高效的开发体验。