HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 运行报错ERROR: Failed entry:build_product@CompileResource

发布于 1周前 作者 itying888 来自 鸿蒙OS

HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 运行报错ERROR: Failed entry:build_product@CompileResource

> hvigor ERROR: Failed :entry:build_product@CompileResource… 

> hvigor ERROR: Tools execution failed.

Warning: ‘D:\s\HwHmosVAssistant\features\voice\entry\src\main\resources\base\media\icon.png’ is defined repeatedly.

Warning: the media of ‘chat_page_bg.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘chat_page_bg_landscape.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_favourites_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_clean_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_contacts_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_email_send_enable_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_email_send_unable_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_scene_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_settings_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_skill_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_sound_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_timbre_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_public_voice_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘ic_xiaoyi_profile_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘icon_new_conversation_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘icon_play_control_stop_dark.svg’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_custom_voice_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_preset_sound_dark01.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_preset_sound_dark02.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_preset_sound_dark03.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_preset_sound_dark04.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_timbre_avatar0_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_timbre_avatar1_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_timbre_avatar2_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_timbre_avatar3_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_hivoice_timbre_avatar4_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘img_translate_setting_dark.png’ does not have a base resource.

Warning: the media of ‘xiaoyi_profile_bg_dark.webp’ does not have a base resource.

Error: ref ‘$string:entry_desc’ don’t be defined.

Error: ‘description’ value $string:entry_desc invalid value.

更多关于HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 运行报错ERROR: Failed entry:build_product@CompileResource的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-93-b0.html

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更多关于HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 运行报错ERROR: Failed entry:build_product@CompileResource的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-93-b0.html

HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 运行报错 ERROR: Failed entry:build_product@CompileResource 通常指的是在构建产品过程中资源编译阶段出现了错误。这个问题可能由以下几个原因引起:

  1. 资源文件缺失或错误:检查项目中所有资源文件是否完整,路径是否正确,以及资源文件是否符合鸿蒙系统的格式要求。

  2. 配置文件错误:确认 build.json 或相关构建配置文件中的资源编译配置是否正确,特别是与资源编译相关的路径和参数设置。

  3. 依赖库问题:确保所有必要的依赖库都已正确安装,并且版本兼容。有时资源编译需要特定的库支持。

  4. 环境配置:检查开发环境是否配置正确,包括编译工具链、SDK版本等,确保它们符合鸿蒙Next的编译要求。

  5. 权限问题:确保编译过程有足够的权限访问和修改资源文件及输出目录。


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