HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 自定义相机预览拉伸问题
HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 自定义相机预览拉伸问题
设备的屏幕宽高为 1260 * 2720
previewProfilesArray 获取的当前设备所支持的预览分辨率都是宽大于高的,如何设置,可以使预览画面不拉伸
以下是获取到当前设备所支持的预览分辨率(宽 * 高)
640 * 640
864 * 480
1088 * 1080
1088 * 1088
1136 * 480
1280 * 592
1280 * 720
1280 * 960
1440 * 1080
1920 * 1080
1920 * 1440
2048 * 1536
2336 * 1080
2560 * 1080
2592 * 1944
设备的屏幕宽高为 1260 * 2720
previewProfilesArray 获取的当前设备所支持的预览分辨率都是宽大于高的,如何设置,可以使预览画面不拉伸
以下是获取到当前设备所支持的预览分辨率(宽 * 高)
640 * 640
864 * 480
1088 * 1080
1088 * 1088
1136 * 480
1280 * 592
1280 * 720
1280 * 960
1440 * 1080
1920 * 1080
1920 * 1440
2048 * 1536
2336 * 1080
2560 * 1080
2592 * 1944
更多关于HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 自定义相机预览拉伸问题的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-93-b0.html
2 回复
相机的预览和拍照的分辨率是有固定的范围的,他的宽高比相当于屏幕的高宽比。一般都是以相机的为准。然后就是XComponent的宽高比和相机一样就行,当设置XComponent的尺寸为满屏,setXComponentSurfaceRect的宽高大于屏幕,可以了满足需求了 参考如下demo,全屏显示,没有变形
import { camera } from '@kit.CameraKit';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { image } from '@kit.ImageKit';
import { buffer } from '@kit.ArkTS';
import { photoAccessHelper } from '@kit.MediaLibraryKit';
import { abilityAccessCtrl, PermissionRequestResult, Permissions } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import { display, promptAction } from '@kit.ArkUI';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
const TAG = '[CameraDemo]';
struct CameraDemo {
context: Context = getContext(this) as Context;
@State pixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined;
@State finalPixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined;
@State buffer: ArrayBuffer | undefined = undefined;
@State surfaceId: string = '';
@State hasPicture: boolean = false;
@State fileNames: string[] = [];
@State imageSize: image.Size = { width: 1920, height: 1080 };
@State saveButtonOptions: SaveButtonOptions = {
icon: SaveIconStyle.FULL_FILLED,
text: SaveDescription.SAVE_IMAGE,
buttonType: ButtonType.Capsule
} // 设置安全控件按钮属性
private mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController;
private cameraManager: camera.CameraManager | undefined = undefined;
private cameraSession: camera.PhotoSession | undefined = undefined;
private photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput | undefined = undefined;
private cameraInput: camera.CameraInput | undefined = undefined;
private previewOutput: camera.PreviewOutput | undefined = undefined;
private previewOutput2: camera.PreviewOutput | undefined = undefined;
private imageReceiver: image.ImageReceiver | undefined = undefined;
@State ca :number = 0
@State screenWidth :number = 0
@State screenHeight :number = 0
@State base64Str :string = ''
aboutToAppear(): void {
let permissions: Array<Permissions> = [
let atManager: abilityAccessCtrl.AtManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager();
// requestPermissionsFromUser会判断权限的授权状态来决定是否唤起弹窗
atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(this.context, permissions).then((data: PermissionRequestResult) => {
let grantStatus: Array<number> = data.authResults;
let length: number = grantStatus.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (grantStatus[i] != 0) {
// 用户拒绝授权,提示用户必须授权才能访问当前页面的功能,并引导用户到系统设置中打开相应的权限
console.info(`${TAG} Success to request permissions from user. authResults is ${grantStatus}.`);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
console.error(`${TAG} Failed to request permissions from user. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);
let displaydef = display.getDefaultDisplaySync()
this.screenWidth = displaydef.width
this.screenHeight = displaydef.height
createCameraManager() {
// 创建CameraManager对象
let cameraManager: camera.CameraManager = camera.getCameraManager(this.context);
if (!cameraManager) {
console.error('CameraDemo camera.getCameraManager error');
this.cameraManager = cameraManager;
// 监听相机状态变化
this.cameraManager.on('cameraStatus', (err: BusinessError, cameraStatusInfo: camera.CameraStatusInfo) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo camera: ${cameraStatusInfo.camera.cameraId}, status: ${cameraStatusInfo.status}`);
async onPageShow(){
await this.prepareCamera(this.ca);
build() {
Column() {
id: '',
type: 'surface',
libraryname: '',
controller: this.mXComponentController
.onLoad(() => {
// 设置Surface宽高(1920*1080),预览尺寸设置参考前面 previewProfilesArray 获取的当前设备所支持的预览分辨率大小去设置
// 预览流与录像输出流的分辨率的宽高比要保持一致
this.mXComponentController.setXComponentSurfaceRect({offsetX:0,offsetY:0, surfaceWidth: this.screenHeight*1080/1920.0, surfaceHeight: this.screenHeight});
// 获取Surface ID
this.surfaceId = this.mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId();
setTimeout(async () => {
await this.prepareCamera(this.ca);
}, 500);
Button('拍照').width(60).height(60).margin({ right: 10 }).borderRadius(30)
.onClick(async () => {
let photoCaptureSetting: camera.PhotoCaptureSetting = {
quality: camera.QualityLevel.QUALITY_LEVEL_HIGH, // 设置图片质量高
rotation: camera.ImageRotation.ROTATION_0 // 设置图片旋转角度0
// 1、通过拍照流实现:点击拍照
await this.photoOutput?.capture(photoCaptureSetting).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to capture the photo ${error.message}`); //不符合条件则进入
this.hasPicture = true;
.size({ width: 100, height: 30 }).margin({ right: 10 })
.onClick(async () => {
await this.prepareCamera(this.ca);
.size({ width: 100, height: 30 }).margin({ left: 10 })
.onClick(async () => {
await this.prepareCamera(this.ca);
async prepareCamera(ca:Number) {
if (!this.cameraManager) {
console.error('CameraDemo cameraManager is undefined.')
// 获取支持指定的相机设备对象
let cameraDevices: Array<camera.CameraDevice> = [];
let CameraDevice:camera.CameraDevice
try {
cameraDevices = this.cameraManager.getSupportedCameras();
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo The getSupportedCameras call failed. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
cameraDevices.forEach((cameraDevice: camera.CameraDevice) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo cameraId: ${cameraDevice.cameraId}, cameraPosition: ${cameraDevice.cameraPosition.toString()}, cameraType: ${cameraDevice.cameraType.toString()}, connectionType: ${cameraDevice.connectionType.toString()}`)
// 创建相机输入流
try {
if (ca==0) {
CameraDevice = cameraDevices[0]
}else {
CameraDevice = cameraDevices[1]
this.cameraInput = this.cameraManager.createCameraInput(CameraDevice);
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo createCaptureSession error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 监听cameraInput错误信息
this.cameraInput.on('error', CameraDevice, (error: BusinessError) => {
console.error(`CameraDemo Camera input error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
// 打开相机
try {
await this.cameraInput.open();
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo cameraInput open error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 获取指定的相机设备对象支持的模式
let cameraSceneModes: Array<camera.SceneMode> = [];
try {
cameraSceneModes = this.cameraManager.getSupportedSceneModes(CameraDevice);
cameraSceneModes.forEach((cameraSceneMode: camera.SceneMode) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo cameraSceneMode: ${cameraSceneMode.toString()}`)
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo The getSupportedSceneModes call failed. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
// 获取相机设备支持的输出流能力
let cameraOutputCapability: camera.CameraOutputCapability = this.cameraManager.getSupportedOutputCapability(CameraDevice, camera.SceneMode.NORMAL_PHOTO)
if (!cameraOutputCapability) {
console.error('CameraDemo cameraManager.getSupportedOutputCapability error');
let previewProfile = cameraOutputCapability.previewProfiles[0];
cameraOutputCapability.previewProfiles.forEach((profile) => {
if (profile.size.width == this.imageSize.width && profile.size.height == this.imageSize.height) {
previewProfile = profile;
this.imageSize = previewProfile.size;
// 创建相机预览输出流
try {
this.previewOutput = this.cameraManager.createPreviewOutput(previewProfile, this.surfaceId);
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo createCaptureSession error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 监听previewOutput错误信息
this.previewOutput.on('error', (error: BusinessError) => {
console.error(`CameraDemo previewOutput error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
// 创建拍照输出流
try {
let photoProfile = cameraOutputCapability.photoProfiles[0];
cameraOutputCapability.photoProfiles.forEach((profile) => {
if (profile.size.width == this.imageSize.width && profile.size.height == this.imageSize.height) {
photoProfile = profile;
this.photoOutput = this.cameraManager.createPhotoOutput(photoProfile);
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo createPhotoOutput error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
if (this.photoOutput === undefined) {
console.error('CameraDemo photoOutput is undefined.');
// 创建相机会话
try {
this.cameraSession = this.cameraManager.createSession<camera.PhotoSession>(camera.SceneMode.NORMAL_PHOTO);
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo createCaptureSession error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 监听session错误信息
this.cameraSession.on('error', (error: BusinessError) => {
console.error(`CameraDemo Capture session error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
// 开始会话配置
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo beginConfig error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 向会话中添加相机输入流
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo addInput error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 向会话中添加预览输出流
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo add previewOutput error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 向会话中添加拍照输出流
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo add photoOutput error. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 提交会话配置
try {
await this.cameraSession.commitConfig();
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo captureSession commitConfig error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 启动会话
try {
await this.cameraSession.start();
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo captureSession start error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 配置相机的参数可以调整拍照的一些功能,包括闪光灯、变焦、焦距等。
configuringSession(photoSession: camera.PhotoSession): void {
// 判断设备是否支持闪光灯
let flashStatus: boolean = false;
try {
flashStatus = photoSession.hasFlash();
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to hasFlash. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
console.info(`CameraDemo Returned with the flash light support status: ${flashStatus}`);
if (flashStatus) {
// 判断是否支持自动闪光灯模式
let flashModeStatus: boolean = false;
try {
let status: boolean = photoSession.isFlashModeSupported(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO);
flashModeStatus = status;
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to check whether the flash mode is supported. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
if (flashModeStatus) {
// 设置自动闪光灯模式
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to set the flash mode. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 判断是否支持连续自动变焦模式
let focusModeStatus: boolean = false;
try {
let status: boolean = photoSession.isFocusModeSupported(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO);
focusModeStatus = status;
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to check whether the focus mode is supported. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
if (focusModeStatus) {
// 设置连续自动变焦模式
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to set the focus mode. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
// 获取相机支持的可变焦距比范围
let zoomRatioRange: Array<number> = [];
try {
zoomRatioRange = photoSession.getZoomRatioRange();
zoomRatioRange.forEach(( index: number) => {
console.info(`zoomRatioRange 支持的焦距: [${index}]`);
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to get the zoom ratio range. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
if (zoomRatioRange.length <= 0) {
// 设置可变焦距比
try {
} catch (error) {
let err = error as BusinessError;
console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to set the zoom ratio value. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
setPhotoOutputCb(photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput) {
photoOutput.on('photoAvailable', (errCode: BusinessError, photo: camera.Photo): void => {
console.info(`CameraDemo getPhoto start. err: ${JSON.stringify(errCode)}`);
if (errCode || photo === undefined || photo.main === undefined) {
console.error('CameraDemo getPhoto failed');
let imageObj = photo.main;
imageObj.getComponent(image.ComponentType.JPEG, async (errCode: BusinessError, component: image.Component): Promise<void> => {
console.info('CameraDemo getComponent start');
if (errCode || component === undefined) {
console.error('CameraDemo getComponent failed');
let imageBuffer: ArrayBuffer;
if (component.byteBuffer) {
imageBuffer = component.byteBuffer;
this.buffer = imageBuffer;
this.base64Str = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"+ buffer.from(imageBuffer).toString('base64')
let sourceOptions: image.SourceOptions = {
sourceDensity: 0, // 在不确定当前密度时传0
sourcePixelFormat: image.PixelMapFormat.RGBA_8888,
sourceSize: this.imageSize
let imageSource: image.ImageSource = image.createImageSource(imageBuffer, sourceOptions);
let opts: image.InitializationOptions = {
editable: false,
pixelFormat: image.PixelMapFormat.RGBA_8888,
size: this.imageSize
let pixelMap = await imageSource.createPixelMap(opts);
this.finalPixelMap = pixelMap;
} else {
console.error('CameraDemo byteBuffer is null');
printCameraOutputCapability(cameraOutputCapability: camera.CameraOutputCapability) {
let previewProfileArr: Array<camera.Profile> = cameraOutputCapability.previewProfiles;
let photoProfileArr: Array<camera.Profile> = cameraOutputCapability.photoProfiles;
let videoProfileArr: Array<camera.VideoProfile> = cameraOutputCapability.videoProfiles;
let supportedMetadataObjectTypeArr: Array<camera.MetadataObjectType> = cameraOutputCapability.supportedMetadataObjectTypes;
previewProfileArr.forEach((value: camera.Profile, index: number) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo 支持的预览尺寸: [${value.size.width},${value.size.height}]`);
photoProfileArr.forEach((value: camera.Profile, index: number) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo 支持的拍照尺寸: [${value.size.width},${value.size.height}]`);
videoProfileArr.forEach((value: camera.VideoProfile, index: number) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo 支持的录像尺寸: [${value.size.width},${value.size.height}], 支持的帧率范围: [${value.frameRateRange.min},${value.frameRateRange.max}]`);
supportedMetadataObjectTypeArr.forEach((value: camera.MetadataObjectType, index: number) => {
console.info(`CameraDemo 支持的metadata流类型: ${value}`);
releaseCamera() {
if (this.cameraInput) {
if (this.previewOutput) {
if (this.photoOutput) {
if (this.cameraSession) {
更多关于HarmonyOS 鸿蒙Next 自定义相机预览拉伸问题的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-93-b0.html