
发布于 1周前 作者 sinazl 来自 Flutter

Morpheme CLI

Morpheme CLI boosts productivity with modular project creation, API generation & folder structuring tools. Simplify Flutter development. Read more in the Documentation Morpheme.


To install morpheme_cli, use the following command:

dart pub global activate morpheme_cli

After installation, ensure that morpheme_cli is correctly installed by running:

morpheme doctor

If this directory is missing from your PATH, locate the file for your platform and add it.

Platform Cache location
macOS or Linux HOME/.pub-cache/bin
Windows* %LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache\bin


For detailed usage instructions, refer to the documentation:

Example Demo

Below is a simple example demonstrating how to create a new Flutter project using morpheme_cli.

Step 1: Create a New Project

To create a new Flutter project using morpheme_cli, execute the following command:

morpheme create my_new_project

This command will generate a new Flutter project named my_new_project with a predefined structure recommended by Morpheme.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Project Directory

Move into the newly created project directory:

cd my_new_project

Step 3: Explore the Generated Structure

Once inside the project directory, you can explore the generated structure which includes organized folders and files facilitating better project management.

Step 4: Run Your Project

To run your newly created Flutter project, use the following command:

flutter run

Ensure that you have an emulator running or a physical device connected.

Additional Commands

Here are some additional commands provided by morpheme_cli that might be useful:

  • Generate API: Quickly scaffold APIs within your project.

    morpheme generate api my_api_name
  • Add Module: Add a new module to your existing project structure.

    morpheme add module my_module_name

By leveraging these commands, developers can streamline their workflow, focusing more on application logic rather than project setup and boilerplate code.

For further details and advanced usage, please refer to the official Morpheme CLI Documentation.

更多关于Flutter命令行工具插件morpheme_cli的使用的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-92-b0.html

1 回复

更多关于Flutter命令行工具插件morpheme_cli的使用的实战系列教程也可以访问 https://www.itying.com/category-92-b0.html




    sdk: flutter
  morpheme_cli: ^x.y.z  # 替换为实际版本号

然后运行flutter pub get来安装依赖。



1. 创建一个简单的命令行工具脚本


// bin/morpheme.dart
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:morpheme_cli/morpheme_cli.dart'; // 假设morpheme_cli提供了这样的导入路径

void main(List<String> arguments) {
  final ArgParser parser = ArgParser();
  parser.addOption('input', abbr: 'i', help: 'The input file path.');
  parser.addOption('output', abbr: 'o', help: 'The output file path.');

  final ArgResults results = parser.parse(arguments);

  String inputPath = results['input'];
  String outputPath = results['output'];

  if (inputPath == null || outputPath == null) {
    print('Error: Both --input and --output options are required.');

  // 假设morpheme_cli提供了一个process方法
  try {
    MorphemeCli.process(inputPath, outputPath);
    print('Processing completed successfully.');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error: $e');

2. 运行命令行工具


dart bin/morpheme.dart --input path/to/input/file.txt --output path/to/output/file.txt


  • ArgParser:用于解析命令行参数。
  • MorphemeCli.process:假设morpheme_cli提供了一个静态方法process用于处理输入和输出文件(这里是一个假设,具体方法名和使用方式请参考实际插件文档)。
  • 错误处理:如果输入或输出路径未提供,则打印错误信息并显示用法说明;如果处理过程中发生错误,则捕获异常并打印错误信息。


  • morpheme_cli是一个假设的插件名称,实际使用时请替换为真实的插件名称。
  • 插件的具体使用方法和API请参考插件的官方文档。
  • 如果morpheme_cli是一个全局命令行工具而不是Flutter插件,则安装和使用方式会有所不同,通常你需要通过Dart的pub global activate命令来安装它,并在命令行中直接使用它提供的命令。