import { common } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import { picker } from '@kit.CoreFileKit';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { fileIo as fs } from '@kit.CoreFileKit';
struct Picker {
@State message1: string = '点我新建文件';
@State message2: string = '点我写入文件'
@State uri: string = ''
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
.onClick(() => {
let context = getContext(this) as common.Context; // 请确保getContext(this)返回结果为UIAbilityContext
try {
let documentSaveOptions = new picker.DocumentSaveOptions();
documentSaveOptions.newFileNames = ['DocumentViewPicker01.txt'];
let documentPicker = new picker.DocumentViewPicker(context);
documentPicker.save(documentSaveOptions).then((documentSaveResult: Array<string>) => {
this.uri = documentSaveResult[0];
console.info('DocumentViewPicker.save successfully, documentSaveResult uri: ' + this.uri);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
console.error('DocumentViewPicker.save failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
let file = fs.openSync(this.uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE);
console.info('file fd: ' + file.fd);
let writeLen: number = fs.writeSync(file.fd, 'hello, world');
console.info('write data to file succeed and size is:' + writeLen);
} catch (error) {
let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
console.error('DocumentViewPicker failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
.onClick(() => {
let file = fs.openSync(this.uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE);
console.info('file fd: ' + file.fd);
let writeLen: number = fs.writeSync(file.fd, 'hello, world');
console.info('write data to file succeed and size is:' + writeLen);