Flutter开发HarmonyOS鸿蒙Next应用的时候使用1.0.2 ,dev,master分支创建demo均启动crash

发布于 1周前 作者 eggper 最后一次编辑是 5天前 来自 Flutter

Flutter开发HarmonyOS鸿蒙Next应用的时候使用1.0.2 ,dev,master分支创建demo均启动crash
【任务描述】 使用1.0.2 , dev, master 分支创建demo,均启动crash 【解决方案】 待定 【任务来源】


Device info:emulator
Build info:emulator
Module name:com.example.flutter_hello_ohos
Timestamp:2024-11-28 15:21:18.334
Process name:com.example.flutter_hello_ohos
Process life time:2s
Fault thread info:
Tid:13059, Name:1.raster
11-28 15:21:17.830 13020 13020 I C04200/JsWindow: <1839>Window [58, flutter_hello_ohos0] get properties end
11-28 15:21:17.830 13020 13020 I C04201/DisplayManager: <806>GetCallingAbilityDisplayId: displayIdList is empty.
11-28 15:21:17.830 13020 13020 I C04201/DisplayManager: <849>GetDefaultDisplaySync: get displayId:18446744073709551615 info nullptr.
11-28 15:21:17.830 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Setting handler for channel 'flutter/textinput'
11-28 15:21:17.830 13020 13020 W C03f01/NAPI: [(native_module_manager.cpp:635)(LoadNativeModule)] module 'mediaquery' does not in cache
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: Settings --> return light
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: Settings --> return textScaleFactor = 1
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: SettingsChannel --> Sending message: textScaleFactor : 1, nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined : false, brieflyShowPassword : false, alwaysUse24HourFormat : false, platformBrightness : light
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Sending message over channel 'flutter/settings'
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Sending message with callback over channel 'flutter/settings'
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(89)] PlatformViewOHOSNapi::nativeDispatchPlatformMessage
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(119)] nativeDispatchPlatformMessage:shell_holder:548201798656
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(127)] nativeDispatchEmptyPlatformMessage channel:flutter/settings
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(150)] DispatchPlatformMessage,channel:flutter/settings,message:0x7fa331dfa0,position:147,responseId:3
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos.cpp(218)] DispatchPlatformMessage(flutter/settings,147,3
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterAbility --> onAttach end
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterAbility --> Ability onCreate
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: LifecycleChannel --> Sending AppLifecycleState.resumed message.
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Sending message over channel 'flutter/lifecycle'
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Sending message with callback over channel 'flutter/lifecycle'
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(89)] PlatformViewOHOSNapi::nativeDispatchPlatformMessage
11-28 15:21:17.833 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(119)] nativeDispatchPlatformMessage:shell_holder:548201798656
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(127)] nativeDispatchEmptyPlatformMessage channel:flutter/lifecycle
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(150)] DispatchPlatformMessage,channel:flutter/lifecycle,message:0x7fa2d1a860,position:25,responseId:4
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos.cpp(218)] DispatchPlatformMessage(flutter/lifecycle,25,4
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterAbility --> Ability onWindowStageCreate
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterAbilityDelegate --> , and sending initial route: 
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: NavigationChannel --> Sending message to set initial route to ''
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Sending message over channel 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Sending message with callback over channel 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(89)] PlatformViewOHOSNapi::nativeDispatchPlatformMessage
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(119)] nativeDispatchPlatformMessage:shell_holder:548201798656
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(127)] nativeDispatchEmptyPlatformMessage channel:flutter/navigation
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(150)] DispatchPlatformMessage,channel:flutter/navigation,message:0x7fa2df1430,position:38,responseId:5
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos.cpp(218)] DispatchPlatformMessage(flutter/navigation,38,5
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> setFlutterNavigationAction: true
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(2108)] PlatformViewOHOSNapi::nativeGetFlutterNavigationAction -> 1
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> setFlutterNavigationAction -> 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 W A000ff/Flutter: DartExecutor --> Attempted to run a DartExecutor that is already running.
11-28 15:21:17.834 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterAbility --> MyAbility onCreate
11-28 15:21:17.835 13020 13020 I C01d10/accessibility_napi: [napi_accessibility_system_ability_client.cpp(IsOpenAccessibilitySync:61)]
11-28 15:21:17.835 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterAbility --> accessibility isOpen state -> false
11-28 15:21:17.837 13020 13042 I C04200/WMS: [window_session_impl.cpp] GetContext<1381>: name:flutter_hello_ohos0, id:58
11-28 15:21:17.837 13020 13042 I C04200/WMS: [window_scene_session_impl.cpp] GetTopWindowWithContext<2476>: [GetTopWin] mainId: 58!
11-28 15:21:17.871 13020 13072 W A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: flutter settings log message: The Dart VM service is listening on
11-28 15:21:17.906 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(283)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage message channal flutter/isolate
11-28 15:21:17.906 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(314)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage mapData= 
11-28 15:21:17.906 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessage Channel: flutter/isolate. Response ID: 1
11-28 15:21:17.906 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message from Dart over channel 'flutter/isolate'
11-28 15:21:17.906 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Deferring to registered handler to process message.
11-28 15:21:17.955 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(258)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessageResponse
11-28 15:21:17.955 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessageResponse Response ID: 4
11-28 15:21:17.955 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message reply from Dart.
11-28 15:21:17.958 13020 13058 I C057c6/BinderInvoker: BinderInvoker 92: created invoker 2736914560
11-28 15:21:17.959 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(258)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessageResponse
11-28 15:21:17.959 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessageResponse Response ID: 5
11-28 15:21:17.959 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message reply from Dart.
11-28 15:21:17.965 13020 13071 E C01707/CONCUR: [Interface] task 13071 apply qos failed, errno = 4
11-28 15:21:17.965 13020 13071 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:547762456992  [INFO:vsync_waiter_ohos.cpp(66)] qos set VsyncWaiterOHOS result:-1,tid:13071
11-28 15:21:18.074 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(283)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage message channal flutter/platform
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(314)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage mapData= 
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessage Channel: flutter/platform. Response ID: 2
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message from Dart over channel 'flutter/platform'
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Deferring to registered handler to process message.
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformMethodCallback --> Received 'SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription' message.
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformMethodCallback --> setApplicationSwitcherDescription: {}
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformPluginCallback --> setApplicationSwitcherDescription: {"label":"Flutter Demo"}
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 I C01331/Context: [js_ability_context.cpp:2049]info.argc: 2
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(201)] nativeInvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(241)] InvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.075 13020 13020 I C01336/AMS: [ability_manager_client.cpp:1258]call
11-28 15:21:18.076 13020 13020 I C03900/Ace: [(100000:100000:scope)] [com.example.flutter_hello_ohos][entry][100000]: setAppTitle
11-28 15:21:18.076 13020 13020 I C04200/WindowSessionImpl: <1649>Set app window label success, label : Flutter Demo
11-28 15:21:18.076 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformPluginCallback --> Succeeded in seting mission label
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(283)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage message channal flutter/navigation
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(314)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage mapData= 
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessage Channel: flutter/navigation. Response ID: 3
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message from Dart over channel 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Deferring to registered handler to process message.
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(201)] nativeInvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(241)] InvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> setFlutterNavigationAction: true
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(2108)] PlatformViewOHOSNapi::nativeGetFlutterNavigationAction -> 1
11-28 15:21:18.091 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> setFlutterNavigationAction -> 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:18.104 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(283)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage message channal flutter/navigation
11-28 15:21:18.104 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(314)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage mapData= 
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessage Channel: flutter/navigation. Response ID: 4
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message from Dart over channel 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Deferring to registered handler to process message.
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(201)] nativeInvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(241)] InvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 I A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> setFlutterNavigationAction: true
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(2108)] PlatformViewOHOSNapi::nativeGetFlutterNavigationAction -> 1
11-28 15:21:18.105 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> setFlutterNavigationAction -> 'flutter/navigation'
11-28 15:21:18.249 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetAsMapping=fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf->flutter_assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf
11-28 15:21:18.250 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetAsMapping=flutter_assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf->0000007FA2C817F0
11-28 15:21:18.250 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetAsMappingend:0000007FA2C817F0
11-28 15:21:18.250 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: FileDescriptionMapping :0000007FA2C817F0
11-28 15:21:18.250 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetSize():1645184
11-28 15:21:18.250 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetSize():1645184
11-28 15:21:18.250 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: FileDescriptionMapping buflenth = 1645184
11-28 15:21:18.251 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetMapping ... total:1645184, ret:1645184,buf:0000007F8C5FED00
11-28 15:21:18.251 13020 13058 D A00000/XComFlutterOHOS_Native: GetSize():1645184
11-28 15:21:18.297 13020 13059 E C02515/DGLES: [d_glGetIntegerv_special@glv3_status.cpp:2921] unknown pname 8b9b data 0
11-28 15:21:18.297 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(283)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage message channal flutter/platform
11-28 15:21:18.297 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(314)] FlutterViewHandlePlatformMessage mapData= 
11-28 15:21:18.297 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: FlutterNapi --> called handlePlatformMessage Channel: flutter/platform. Response ID: 5
11-28 15:21:18.297 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Received message from Dart over channel 'flutter/platform'
11-28 15:21:18.297 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: DartMessenger --> Deferring to registered handler to process message.
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformMethodCallback --> Received 'SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle' message.
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformMethodCallback --> setSystemUIOverlayStyle asrgs: {}
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformPluginCallback --> systemUiOverlayStyle:{"statusBarColor":null,"statusBarIconBrightness":"Brightness.light","systemStatusBarContrastEnforced":null,"systemNavigationBarColor":null,"systemNavigationBarIconBrightness":null,"systemNavigationBarDividerColor":null,"systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced":null}
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 D A000ff/Flutter: PlatformPluginCallback --> systemBarProperties: {"isStatusBarLightIcon":true,"statusBarContentColor":"#FFFFFF","isNavigationBarLightIcon":false}
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 I C04200/JsUtils: <803>Origin #FFFFFF, process FFFFFFFF, final ffffffff
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(201)] nativeInvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 I A00000/XComFlutterEngine: Thread:548530827344  [INFO:platform_view_ohos_napi.cpp(241)] InvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback
11-28 15:21:18.298 13020 13020 I C04209/WMSImms: [window_scene_session_impl.cpp] SetSpecificBarProperty<1857>: windowId:58 flutter_hello_ohos0 type:2108, 1 ffffff ffffffff 0 5
11-28 15:21:18.299 13020 13020 I C04209/WMSImms: [window_scene_session_impl.cpp] SetSpecificBarProperty<1857>: windowId:58 flutter_hello_ohos0 type:2112, 1 ffffff 66000000 0 1
11-28 15:21:18.300 13020 13059 E C02515/DGLES: [d_glGetIntegerv_special@glv3_status.cpp:2921] unknown pname 8b9a data 0
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: Shader compilation error
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: ------------------------
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    1	#version 300 es
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    2	
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    3	// GL_EXTENSION_SKIA_CACHE
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    4	precision mediump float;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    5	precision mediump sampler2D;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    6	out mediump vec4 sk_FragColor;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    7	struct Varyings_S0 {
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    8	    mediump vec4 color;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:    9	    highp vec2 position;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   10	};
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   11	uniform mediump vec4 ucolor_S1_c0;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   12	in mediump vec4 vcolor_S0;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   13	highp vec2 custom_mesh_fs_S0_f2Sf4(const Varyings_S0 v, out highp vec4 color) {
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   14	    color = vec4(v.color.zyx * v.color.w, v.color.w);
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   15	    return v.position;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   16	}
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   17	void main() {
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   18	    mediump vec4 outputColor_S0;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   19	    Varyings_S0 varyings;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   20	    varyings.color = vcolor_S0;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   21	    highp vec4 color;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   22	    custom_mesh_fs_S0_f2Sf4(varyings, color);
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   23	    outputColor_S0 = color;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   24	    mediump vec4 output_S1;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   25	    mediump float _5_factor = 1.0 - outputColor_S0.w;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   26	    _5_factor = exp((-_5_factor * _5_factor) * 4.0) - 0.018;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   27	    output_S1 = ucolor_S1_c0 * vec4(_5_factor);
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   28	    {
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   29	        sk_FragColor = output_S1;
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   30	    }
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   31	}
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia:   32	
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: Errors:
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: ERROR: 0:1: '' :  version '450' is not supported
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: ERROR: 0:2: '' :  #version required and missing.
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: ERROR: 0:21: 'in' : syntax error: syntax error
11-28 15:21:18.334 13020 13059 I A00000/Skia: ../../third_party/skia/src/gpu/ShaderErrorHandler.cpp:22: fatal error: "Shader compilation failed!"
11-28 15:21:18.424 13020 13084 I C057c1/IPCWorkThread: ThreadHandler 110: proto:0 policy:0 name:OS_IPC_3_13084
11-28 15:21:18.424 13020 13084 I C057c6/BinderInvoker: BinderInvoker 92: created invoker 2530203392
3 回复

看来不是一个人。。。一模一样的错误,设备是mac mini m4,跑模拟器


flutter doctor -v

[!] Flutter (Channel master, 3.7.12-ohos-1.0.2, on macOS 15.1.1 24B91 darwin-arm64, locale zh-Hans-CN)
    • Flutter version 3.7.12-ohos-1.0.2 on channel master at ~/Developer/ohos_flutter
    ! Upstream repository https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/flutter_flutter.git is not a standard remote.
      Set environment variable "FLUTTER_GIT_URL" to https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/flutter_flutter.git to dismiss this error.
    • Framework revision 7a712dd5fd (7 weeks ago), 2024-10-23 03:14:17 +0000
    • Engine revision 1a65d409c7
    • Dart version 2.19.6
    • DevTools version 2.20.1
    • Pub download mirror https://pub.flutter-io.cn
    • Flutter download mirror https://storage.flutter-io.cn
    • If those were intentional, you can disregard the above warnings; however it is recommended to use "git" directly to perform update checks and upgrades.

[✓] HarmonyOS toolchain - develop for HarmonyOS devices
    • OpenHarmony Sdk at /Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents//sdk, available api versions has [13:default]
    • Ohpm version 5.0.10
    • Node version v18.20.1
    • Hvigorw binary at /Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/tools/hvigor/bin/hvigorw

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 35.0.0)
    • Android SDK at ~/Library/Android/sdk
    • Platform android-35, build-tools 35.0.0
    • Java binary at: /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/jre/Contents/Home/bin/java
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 21.0.3+-79915917-b509.11)
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 16.1)
    • Xcode at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
    • Build 16B40
    • CocoaPods version 1.16.2

[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
    • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome

[✓] Android Studio (version 2024.2)
    • Android Studio at /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents
    • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
      🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9212-flutter
    • Dart plugin can be installed from:
      🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6351-dart
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 21.0.3+-79915917-b509.11)

[✓] IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2024.3)
    • IntelliJ at /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app
    • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
      🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9212-flutter
    • Dart plugin can be installed from:
      🔨 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6351-dart

[✓] VS Code (version 1.95.3)
    • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents
    • Flutter extension version 3.102.0

[✓] Connected device (3 available)
    • Lucaziki (mobile) • ios            • iOS 18.1.1 22B91
    • macOS (desktop)   • macos          • darwin-arm64   • macOS 15.1.1 24B91 darwin-arm64
    • Chrome (web)      • chrome         • web-javascript • Google Chrome 131.0.6778.109

[✓] HTTP Host Availability
    • All required HTTP hosts are available

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.


  1. 环境配置:确认Flutter SDK、Dart SDK以及HarmonyOS SDK的版本是否兼容。不匹配的版本可能会导致启动失败。

  2. 依赖冲突:检查项目中的依赖库是否存在冲突,特别是与HarmonyOS相关的依赖,确保它们与当前的开发环境兼容。

  3. 代码问题:检查demo中的代码,特别是与平台特定功能相关的代码,确保没有使用不支持或已废弃的API。

  4. 模拟器/设备问题:尝试在不同的模拟器或真实设备上运行应用,以排除设备或模拟器的问题。

  5. 日志分析:查看应用的崩溃日志,通常可以找到导致崩溃的具体原因。使用HarmonyOS提供的日志工具进行分析。

  6. 分支稳定性:由于dev和master分支可能包含未稳定的功能,建议尝试使用stable分支进行开发,以获取更稳定的开发环境。

如果问题依旧没法解决请联系官网客服,官网地址是:https://www.itying.com/category-93-b0.html 。这样可以获得更专业的技术支持。
